Giraffe Manor - A great travel destination for kids

Giraffe Manor – A great travel destination for kids

Who doesn’t love giraffes?

Let’s be honest, these gentle giants are majestic, beautiful, and inspiring to see. While most of us will rarely get the chance to see a giraffes beyond the confines of a zoo, some people are a little luckier. 

How about an actual vacation with giraffes strolling freely around the grounds of your hotel?

It’s entirely possible at Giraffe Manor!

Located just outside of the sprawling metropolis of Nairobi in Kenya, Giraffe Manor is a small but rather exclusive boutique hotel, run by the Carr-Huntley family. Having opened its down in 1984, this is a hotel which is not only sought-after, but is also a life-changer. 

Can you imagine opening your curtains in the moment to see giraffes simply strolling by, minding their own business, and completely free? 

These are Rothschild giraffes, an unfortunately endangered species, but the Carr-Huntley family are doing their bit for conservation, preserving these majestic animals in grounds which span a huge 140 acres. 

These giraffes aren’t enclosed in a small space, they’re free to roam and enjoy their lives, which makes this hotel even more special. Every morning they come up to the house and have a look at what’s going on. You can even feed them while you’re having your own breakfast!

The chance to interact with giraffes in this way is virtually unheard of anywhere else, and with such a focus on conservation and ensuring the animals are well looked after, you have no other concerns about their welfare. These beautiful creatures are happy, safe, and comforted. 

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The hotel only has 10 rooms, which means the giraffes are never overwhelmed. It also means you get more of a chance to interact directly with them during your stay, without having to fight everyone else in attendance. The downside? Prices begin at $500 per night, per person minimum, but it’s an experience you’re never going to forget, so surely it’s worth it?

To give you an extra boost, the cost of your stay also goes towards the exclusive breeding program, which is in place to help battle the endangered status of these beautiful animals. By staying here, not only do you get to spend time directly in their company, but you’re also doing your bit to ensure they stick around for future generations to see too. 

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So, if you’re looking for a special vacation location, avoid the usual safari breaks and head to Giraffe Manor instead. 

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